“Spider-Man: Far From Home” was released in 2019 and was directed by Jon Watts. This movie stars Tom Holland (Peter Parker, Spider-Man), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Jake Gyllenhaal (Quentin Beck, Mysterio), and many other fantastic actors. In this movie, Spider-Man goes on a field trip to Europe. However, he meets a monster and someone called Mysterio saves him and all the people. Then, Spider-Man meets Nick Fury. There was Mysterio too. Later, Spider-Man kept fighting against other monsters. I really liked this movie because it had many thrilling scenes.
In the movie, “Spider-Man: Far From Home”, one of the greatest parts was the music. The background music made me feel that I was in the specific scene, watching the action such as fighting. The actors did very high quality acting in the movie. I was concentrating too much on the movie, so I didn’t know it had passed 2 hours and 10 minutes. The cinematography in the movie was fantastic. The CG(computer graphic) was so great that I thought the actors really acted at the place. Also, the story was very fun and interesting, and at the end, it made me very excited about the next Spider-Man movie, “Spider-Man: No Way Home”. I think the message in this movie is ‘Admit your destiny even if you don’t want it.’
I enjoyed “Spider-Man: Far From Home” very much. I like this movie because it had amazing music, acts, cinematographiques, and the story. It had a good message, too. It all had exciting, thrilling, and fun moments. I rate this movie five out of five potatoes because it was perfect to me. It’s now one of my favorite movies. I would recommend this movie to people who like the Avengers series and had watched the last Spider-Man movie, “Spider-Man Homecoming”. If you like the Avengers but haven't watched “Spider-Man Homecoming”, I would recommend you see “Spider-Man Homecoming” first and then watch “Spider-Man Far From Home”.
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