A Movie that Will Amaze People of All Kinds, by. Nathan park


        The movie, "The Speed Cubers" directed by Sue Kim, was released on July 29, 2020, and Max Park, Feliks Zemdegs, Schwan Park, and their families are the focus of the movie. World Speedcubing champions, Max and Feliks, prepare for the 2019 WCA (World Cube Association) competition. Max and Feliks have negatives and positives, so it will be a challenge for them. They are best friends, but also rivals, and have to compete in the world championship 3x3 final. I like this movie because it encourages me by saying failing only makes me stronger and is a good movie for people of all ages and all kinds. 

The good thing about this movie was that it gave us encouraging messages. In the movie, Max breaks almost all of Felik's former records, but Feliks greets him as a friend, which gives a message of true friendship. Also, the director of this movie had made this movie in the correct order, so it is breathtaking. For example, I was wondering very much who will win when watching the movie. The music and videos from the real championship in this movie make this movie more exciting and thoughtful. Due to the fact that this movie is a documentary, they explain exactly what they felt when breaking records, or Feliks and Max meeting each other.

I immensely like this movie and watch it every few months because it is perfect in every way. It has many messages that have impacted me very much and encouraged me when I am depressed that I lost to someone else. It has many characters that inform us about what the characters are doing. I give this movie 5 out of 5 potatoes because it interests me even before I started speedcubing with unbelievable facts that cubers can solve cubes in under 7 seconds. I would definitely recommend this to someone who does speedcubing because it will inform more about Rubik's cube and give them a message. Even if someone is not interested in speedcubing, they will be amazed by this movie because of the talent and speed of Feliks, Max, and other cubers and might get interested in speedcubing. That is because characters in this movie tell how they couldn't stop cubing and wanting to solve faster, and win the WCA championship.


  1. Wow, what a great review! I am going to watch it right now!


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